Happily Never After

Girl meets boy, boy meets girl, they fall in love and live happily ever after. Only if, it was that simple. We as humans use too much brain even in things which do not require the use of it just because we were given a brain to use and maybe because we are considered an intelligent specie. We would like to think that the other person is thinking from their heart but maybe he too is using his brain and making you think you are the smart one in the relationship.
As the generation is progressing, so are the mind games and yes, we do require mind games to make someone go crazy for us. Haven’t you seen how a good person is crazy about a cunning person because that’s what this is, a game for most of us. We know people won’t fall deeply in love with us such that they would never leave us just like Snow White and Prince Charming. At some point you do need to play games to keep your other half close to you. Lost are the times where two people were together just because they loved each other. Which makes me think probably marriages built on friendships are way better than marriages built on these love games.
Manipulation is an art which 99% people possess in today’s time. They can easily manipulate you into thinking you cannot live without them and they are the best thing that has happened to you and you believe because of course, mostly one person in the relationship is naïve enough to do that. So maybe, it is a good business idea. Master manipulators can teach naïve people how to manipulate in exchange of some money and then we will be able to tell the difference between love and manipulation.
But you know what, I belonging to the naïve section of the world know perfectly well about manipulation and am not able to manipulate even if my life depends on it, do get manipulated. So that’s where these love games blind us where we confuse games for love and even when we are so woke, like me, we still are trapped by these games because that’s how we are built and we are the sector of population, who will be the most benefitted by the business of master manipulators.
I am not saying love doesn’t exist, it does. It’s just the rarest form of magic which only a few selected people have the luck to experience. But if naïve people “fall” for master manipulators how would they find love. Maybe just maybe at a much later point in their life they realize that they have been manipulated but then it is too late and there is no going back. They are just stuck, trying to make it work because as per them, one doesn’t give up on “love”. 


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