No Complains No Demands

Being a teenager in her own dreamy world at the time when the movie with this dialogue was released. I may have found this very fallacious but turning an year older may have affected my thinking to no ends. From the person who used to believe in friendships and relationships, this year my whole outlook took a deep end towards how applicable this dialogue is in today's world. People will continue to be available for you as per their own convenience but you have to have no complains and no demands to make it work with them. Maybe its just the generation that is like that because we have heard pretty long tales of friendship and relationships from older people but thats how the world is. They will fake it to make it and we need to be smart enough to see through it. Young adulthood, maybe when we are teenagers or in our early twenties, is when we make relationships which may last our whole life but once we cross that period, the relationships you make are just a formality. No matter how close you get or how good a bond you think you have made, they will still break off once you move from that place. 

No matter how much I dislike Ranbir Kapoor but he really does give us good learnings in his movies, this being one of the most valuable one. We have always been told by the people we meet in our life to not keep expectations from other people but alas! We are humans and humans are programmed to have things like emotions, attachment, hurt and we simply cannot control our expectations. We have expectations from people who talk sweetly with us and act like friends but when you need them they will be absent in your life or just be indifferent and its not like they care enough about you that they want you to keep a relationship with them. We may be descendants from animals but the only thing most people have inherited from them is the cunningness of the fox, the poison of a snake and the animosity of any animal but what they never inherited or learned from animals is their togetherness, their selfless love amongst one another and their loyalty for their own.

Hence, no matter these much these people pretend to be friends, we will still have expectations from them and to some extent we may stop but we may never stop getting hurt. For someone who sees the worst in people, some things they do still surprise me sometimes to some extent. So to hell with no complains and no demands, be true to people after they have proven their friendship to you and keep expectations from them. Move on from people who want no complains and no demands from you because they ain't shit. People who genuinely love and care about you will openly accept your complains and demands and not be indifferent or call you dramatic or crazy!


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