The Confused Millennial

While we millennials are still trying to figure out adulting and commitments, corona struck and most of us had to reach from the confused state to the committed stage. Millennials have struck adulthood years ago and while some of us have been loaded with responsibilities, others are still in their teens and confused completely of what they want to do with their lives. It is easy, we haven’t figured that out yet. We haven’t figured out what we wanna be or how we want our future to be. Our goals may be set like we want a lot of money or lots of love or both or something else but the path to that is something unknown to us. 

Most millennials are in a hurry to get married even if they are not ready to be married because you know what our marriageable age may cross or has crossed. While that may be true, here lies the truth. Yes, most of do want someone to have and to hold but we also want to live the single life like we used. Millennials want the best of both worlds! And we don’t know what happened? Is it our upbringing or is it the people we hang out with? We don’t know why we are like this. 

If God could grant us one wish most of us will ask for a hybrid model for this whole marriage thing where we are our own people and we are not under the burden of being married but at the end of the day we have a constant person to go home to. 

Yeah, people are aiming towards love marriages a lot and you would say why we need the open ness when we chose our own person but what about people who never found anyone. What about the people who never found someone good enough but still wants that someone to go home to and still feel the pressure of being married? We millennials are pretty serious about one thing- our singleness and the freedom that comes with it. Yet, not every one of wants to sleep around. Millennials do want their own space but they also want someone who cares for them and loves them no matter what, except for their family of course.

So yeah, we may be born 20 plus years ago but some of us still want the fairy tale romance thats shown in movies and books and while that may be impractical in reality, we still deserve love and freedom at the same time.


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