Perceptions! Perceptions! Perceptions!

You may be comfortable and confident with yourself but you will be labeled as arrogant and egoistic but you will be labeled as "introvert" if you are actually arrogant! Well, the reason I am saying this is because this is exactly what happens. You may be a very good person at heart but if you have your own opinion regardless of what people think, you become the person who nobody wants to talk to for the onlookers. These perceptions are not just limited to how you behave, they are also related to how you look. If you are physically beautiful or popular, people will line up to just talk to you whereas if you are not pretty to look at or in great physical shape, nobody wants to talk to you.
People have so much free time at their hands that they make perceptions about people they haven't even talked to ever. They just believe what others say without giving a second thought to it so maybe this is also about their empty heads. "She is this, she is that" "He is this, he is that" Heck! Get a life! Maybe by investing the time and energy, you waste in doing all this, in better things will make you a better and successful person.
Nobody cares what you think about them, it doesn't matter, not even a single bit. You don't matter so your opinion obviously doesn't. So it is better to keep your trash to yourself rather than saying it aloud and making a complete shithead out of yourself. People are happy without some people making stupid opinions about them because you don't know who he or she is or what life they have lived. A sincere advice to all those "perception makers", we don't give a shit about your perceptions so kindly SHUT UP!


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