Why it is difficult to find love nowadays and keep it

We all are jealous of the couples they show in movies or of those we read in books but have we ever thought about the reasons it is so hard to find a love like theirs and to keep it? Our busy lifestyle keeps us from even noticing other people, let alone stop and fall in love. Our careers are so important to us that love seems like a hurdle for it. We do not have time to get to know a person, accept them as they are, slowly develop feelings for them or woo them.
We want the person to be perfect in everything. We expect a lot in less time and expect him or her to live up to our expectations. And if they don't then we end up fighting with them or leaving them. We don't give second chances because yes, we don't have time or patience for that.
We want it all. We will spend time with a person for the sake of excitement and thrill but once it starts lacking we want to move on to a better person because we don't want the excitement to die from our lives. We don't want to miss a chance of finding a person who has more qualities than the person we are with.
Sex has become so important for us that love has become secondary to it. Sex outside a relationship  is not a taboo and it comes without any responsibility hence we prefer it rather than wasting out time in the traditional relationships and wait to have it.
Moreover, we are scared of commitment. With love and relationships comes commitment. We hate to be tied down. We love our freedom too much. We also think that that commitment might fail someday and we will end up getting hurt.
The only thing we never think about is that we all need love at some point of our lives. We just don't value relationships anymore. We don't think they are worth a try whereas we all know everything and everyone deserves a second chance but we are not even giving it a first!


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